
ESourceExtension — Base class for ESource extensions


#include <libedataserver/libedataserver.h>

struct              ESourceExtension;
#define             E_SOURCE_PARAM_SETTING
ESource *           e_source_extension_ref_source       (ESourceExtension *extension);

ESource *           e_source_extension_get_source       (ESourceExtension *extension);


  "source"                   ESource*              : Read / Write / Construct Only


ESourceExtension is an abstract base class for ESource extension objects. An ESourceExtension object basically just maps the keys in a key file group to a set of GObject properties. The name of the key file group doubles as the name of the ESourceExtension object.

ESourceExtension objects are accessed through e_source_get_extension().


struct ESourceExtension

struct ESourceExtension;

Contains only private data that should be read and manipulated using the functions below.

Since 3.6



Extends GParamFlags to indicate the GObject property is associated with a key file value. Use this flag when installing GObject properties in ESourceExtension subclasses.

Since 3.6

e_source_extension_ref_source ()

ESource *           e_source_extension_ref_source       (ESourceExtension *extension);

Returns the ESource instance to which the extension belongs.

The returned ESource is referenced for thread-safety. Unreference the ESource with g_object_unref() when finished with it.

extension :

an ESourceExtension

Returns :

the ESource instance

Since 3.8

e_source_extension_get_source ()

ESource *           e_source_extension_get_source       (ESourceExtension *extension);


e_source_extension_get_source has been deprecated since version 3.8 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use e_source_extension_ref_source() instead.

Returns the ESource instance to which extension belongs.

Note this function is not thread-safe. The returned ESource could be finalized by another thread while the caller is still using it.

extension :

an ESourceExtension

Returns :

the ESource instance. [transfer none]

Since 3.6

Property Details

The "source" property

  "source"                   ESource*              : Read / Write / Construct Only

The ESource being extended.