


gboolean            e_cal_backend_mail_account_get_default
                                                        (ESourceRegistry *registry,
                                                         gchar **address,
                                                         gchar **name);
gboolean            e_cal_backend_mail_account_is_valid (ESourceRegistry *registry,
                                                         gchar *user,
                                                         gchar **name);
gboolean            e_cal_backend_user_declined         (ESourceRegistry *registry,
                                                         icalcomponent *icalcomp);



e_cal_backend_mail_account_get_default ()

gboolean            e_cal_backend_mail_account_get_default
                                                        (ESourceRegistry *registry,
                                                         gchar **address,
                                                         gchar **name);

Retrieve the default mail account as stored in Evolution configuration.

registry :

an ESourceRegistry

address :

placeholder for default address

name :

placeholder for name

Returns :

TRUE if there is a default account, FALSE otherwise.

e_cal_backend_mail_account_is_valid ()

gboolean            e_cal_backend_mail_account_is_valid (ESourceRegistry *registry,
                                                         gchar *user,
                                                         gchar **name);

Checks that a mail account is valid, and returns its name.

registry :

an ESourceRegistry

user :

user name for the account to check

name :

placeholder for the account name

Returns :

TRUE if the account is valid, FALSE if not.

e_cal_backend_user_declined ()

gboolean            e_cal_backend_user_declined         (ESourceRegistry *registry,
                                                         icalcomponent *icalcomp);

registry :

an ESourceRegistry

icalcomp :

component where to check

Returns :

Whether icalcomp contains attendee with a mail same as any of configured enabled mail account and whether this user declined.

Since 2.26