


EDataCalView *      e_data_cal_view_new                 (struct _ECalBackend *backend,
                                                         struct _ECalBackendSExp *sexp,
                                                         GDBusConnection *connection,
                                                         const gchar *object_path,
                                                         GError **error);
struct _ECalBackend * e_data_cal_view_get_backend       (EDataCalView *view);
GDBusConnection *   e_data_cal_view_get_connection      (EDataCalView *view);
const gchar *       e_data_cal_view_get_object_path     (EDataCalView *view);
struct _ECalBackendSExp * e_data_cal_view_get_sexp      (EDataCalView *view);
gboolean            e_data_cal_view_object_matches      (EDataCalView *view,
                                                         const gchar *object);
gboolean            e_data_cal_view_component_matches   (EDataCalView *view,
                                                         ECalComponent *component);
gboolean            e_data_cal_view_is_started          (EDataCalView *view);
gboolean            e_data_cal_view_is_completed        (EDataCalView *view);
gboolean            e_data_cal_view_is_stopped          (EDataCalView *view);
GHashTable *        e_data_cal_view_get_fields_of_interest
                                                        (EDataCalView *view);
ECalClientViewFlags e_data_cal_view_get_flags           (EDataCalView *view);
gchar *             e_data_cal_view_get_component_string
                                                        (EDataCalView *view,
                                                         ECalComponent *component);
void                e_data_cal_view_notify_components_added
                                                        (EDataCalView *view,
                                                         const GSList *ecalcomponents);
void                e_data_cal_view_notify_components_added_1
                                                        (EDataCalView *view,
                                                         ECalComponent *component);
void                e_data_cal_view_notify_components_modified
                                                        (EDataCalView *view,
                                                         const GSList *ecalcomponents);
void                e_data_cal_view_notify_components_modified_1
                                                        (EDataCalView *view,
                                                         ECalComponent *component);
void                e_data_cal_view_notify_objects_removed
                                                        (EDataCalView *view,
                                                         const GSList *ids);
void                e_data_cal_view_notify_objects_removed_1
                                                        (EDataCalView *view,
                                                         const ECalComponentId *id);
void                e_data_cal_view_notify_progress     (EDataCalView *view,
                                                         gint percent,
                                                         const gchar *message);
void                e_data_cal_view_notify_complete     (EDataCalView *view,
                                                         const GError *error);



e_data_cal_view_new ()

EDataCalView *      e_data_cal_view_new                 (struct _ECalBackend *backend,
                                                         struct _ECalBackendSExp *sexp,
                                                         GDBusConnection *connection,
                                                         const gchar *object_path,
                                                         GError **error);

Creates a new EDataCalView and exports its D-Bus interface on connection at object_path. If an error occurs while exporting, the function sets error and returns NULL.

backend :

an ECalBackend

sexp :

an ECalBackendSExp

connection :

a GDBusConnection

object_path :

an object path for the view

error :

return location for a GError, or NULL

Returns :

an EDataCalView

e_data_cal_view_get_backend ()

struct _ECalBackend * e_data_cal_view_get_backend       (EDataCalView *view);

Gets the backend that view is querying.

view :

an EDataCalView

Returns :

The associated ECalBackend.

Since 3.8

e_data_cal_view_get_connection ()

GDBusConnection *   e_data_cal_view_get_connection      (EDataCalView *view);

Returns the GDBusConnection on which the CalendarView D-Bus interface is exported.

view :

an EDataCalView

Returns :

the GDBusConnection

Since 3.8

e_data_cal_view_get_object_path ()

const gchar *       e_data_cal_view_get_object_path     (EDataCalView *view);

Return the object path at which the CalendarView D-Bus inteface is exported.

view :

an EDataCalView

Returns :

the object path

Since 3.8

e_data_cal_view_get_sexp ()

struct _ECalBackendSExp * e_data_cal_view_get_sexp      (EDataCalView *view);

Get the ECalBackendSExp object used for the given view.

view :

an EDataCalView

Returns :

The expression object used to search.

Since 3.8

e_data_cal_view_object_matches ()

gboolean            e_data_cal_view_object_matches      (EDataCalView *view,
                                                         const gchar *object);

Compares the given object to the regular expression used for the given view.

view :

an EDataCalView

object :

Object to match.

Returns :

TRUE if the object matches the expression, FALSE if not.

e_data_cal_view_component_matches ()

gboolean            e_data_cal_view_component_matches   (EDataCalView *view,
                                                         ECalComponent *component);

Compares the given component to the regular expression used for the given view.

view :

an EDataCalView

component :

the ECalComponent object to match.

Returns :

TRUE if the object matches the expression, FALSE if not.

Since 3.4

e_data_cal_view_is_started ()

gboolean            e_data_cal_view_is_started          (EDataCalView *view);

Checks whether the given view has already been started.

view :

an EDataCalView

Returns :

TRUE if the view has already been started, FALSE otherwise.

e_data_cal_view_is_completed ()

gboolean            e_data_cal_view_is_completed        (EDataCalView *view);

Checks whether the given view is already completed. Being completed means the initial matching of objects have been finished, not that no more notifications about changes will be sent. In fact, even after completed, notifications will still be sent if there are changes in the objects matching the view search expression.

view :

an EDataCalView

Returns :

TRUE if the view is completed, FALSE if still in progress.

Since 3.2

e_data_cal_view_is_stopped ()

gboolean            e_data_cal_view_is_stopped          (EDataCalView *view);

Checks whether the given view has been stopped.

view :

an EDataCalView

Returns :

TRUE if the view has been stopped, FALSE otherwise.

Since 2.32

e_data_cal_view_get_fields_of_interest ()

GHashTable *        e_data_cal_view_get_fields_of_interest
                                                        (EDataCalView *view);

view :

an EDataCalView

Returns :

Hash table of field names which the listener is interested in. Backends can return fully populated objects, but the listener advertised that it will use only these. Returns NULL for all available fields. Note: The data pointer in the hash table has no special meaning, it's only GINT_TO_POINTER(1) for easier checking. Also, field names are compared case insensitively.

Since 3.2

e_data_cal_view_get_flags ()

ECalClientViewFlags e_data_cal_view_get_flags           (EDataCalView *view);

Gets the ECalClientViewFlags that control the behaviour of view.

view :

an EDataCalView

Returns :

the flags for view.

Since 3.6

e_data_cal_view_get_component_string ()

gchar *             e_data_cal_view_get_component_string
                                                        (EDataCalView *view,
                                                         ECalComponent *component);

This function is similar to e_cal_component_get_as_string() except that it takes into account the fields-of-interest that view is configured with and filters out any unneeded fields.

view :

an EDataCalView

component :

The ECalComponent to get the string for.

Returns :

A newly allocated string representation of component suitable for view. [transfer full]

Since 3.4

e_data_cal_view_notify_components_added ()

void                e_data_cal_view_notify_components_added
                                                        (EDataCalView *view,
                                                         const GSList *ecalcomponents);

Notifies all view listeners of the addition of a list of components.

Like e_data_cal_view_notify_objects_added() except takes a list of ECalComponent-s instead of ical string representations and uses the EDataCalView's fields-of-interest to filter out unwanted information from ical strings sent over the bus.

view :

an EDataCalView

ecalcomponents :

List of ECalComponent-s that have been added.

Since 3.4

e_data_cal_view_notify_components_added_1 ()

void                e_data_cal_view_notify_components_added_1
                                                        (EDataCalView *view,
                                                         ECalComponent *component);

Notifies all the view listeners of the addition of a single object.

Like e_data_cal_view_notify_objects_added_1() except takes an ECalComponent instead of an ical string representation and uses the EDataCalView's fields-of-interest to filter out unwanted information from ical strings sent over the bus.

view :

an EDataCalView

component :

The ECalComponent that has been added.

Since 3.4

e_data_cal_view_notify_components_modified ()

void                e_data_cal_view_notify_components_modified
                                                        (EDataCalView *view,
                                                         const GSList *ecalcomponents);

Notifies all view listeners of the modification of a list of components.

Like e_data_cal_view_notify_objects_modified() except takes a list of ECalComponents instead of a ical string representations and uses the EDataCalView's fields-of-interest to filter out unwanted information from ical strings sent over the bus.

view :

an EDataCalView

ecalcomponents :

List of modified ECalComponent-s.

Since 3.4

e_data_cal_view_notify_components_modified_1 ()

void                e_data_cal_view_notify_components_modified_1
                                                        (EDataCalView *view,
                                                         ECalComponent *component);

Notifies all view listeners of the modification of component.

Like e_data_cal_view_notify_objects_modified_1() except takes an ECalComponent instead of an ical string representation and uses the EDataCalView's fields-of-interest to filter out unwanted information from ical strings sent over the bus.

view :

an EDataCalView

component :

The modified ECalComponent.

Since 3.4

e_data_cal_view_notify_objects_removed ()

void                e_data_cal_view_notify_objects_removed
                                                        (EDataCalView *view,
                                                         const GSList *ids);

Notifies all view listener of the removal of a list of objects.

view :

an EDataCalView

ids :

List of IDs for the objects that have been removed.

e_data_cal_view_notify_objects_removed_1 ()

void                e_data_cal_view_notify_objects_removed_1
                                                        (EDataCalView *view,
                                                         const ECalComponentId *id);

Notifies all view listener of the removal of a single object.

view :

an EDataCalView

id :

ID of the removed object.

e_data_cal_view_notify_progress ()

void                e_data_cal_view_notify_progress     (EDataCalView *view,
                                                         gint percent,
                                                         const gchar *message);

Notifies all view listeners of progress messages.

view :

an EDataCalView

percent :

Percentage completed.

message :

Progress message to send to listeners.

e_data_cal_view_notify_complete ()

void                e_data_cal_view_notify_complete     (EDataCalView *view,
                                                         const GError *error);

Notifies all view listeners of the completion of the view, including a status code.

view :

an EDataCalView

error :

View completion error, if any.

Since 3.2