


ECalBackendSExp *   e_cal_backend_sexp_new              (const gchar *text);
const gchar *       e_cal_backend_sexp_text             (ECalBackendSExp *sexp);
gboolean            e_cal_backend_sexp_match_object     (ECalBackendSExp *sexp,
                                                         const gchar *object,
                                                         ETimezoneCache *cache);
gboolean            e_cal_backend_sexp_match_comp       (ECalBackendSExp *sexp,
                                                         ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         ETimezoneCache *cache);
ESExpResult *       e_cal_backend_sexp_func_time_now    (ESExp *esexp,
                                                         gint argc,
                                                         ESExpResult **argv,
                                                         gpointer data);
ESExpResult *       e_cal_backend_sexp_func_make_time   (ESExp *esexp,
                                                         gint argc,
                                                         ESExpResult **argv,
                                                         gpointer data);
ESExpResult *       e_cal_backend_sexp_func_time_add_day
                                                        (ESExp *esexp,
                                                         gint argc,
                                                         ESExpResult **argv,
                                                         gpointer data);
ESExpResult *       e_cal_backend_sexp_func_time_day_begin
                                                        (ESExp *esexp,
                                                         gint argc,
                                                         ESExpResult **argv,
                                                         gpointer data);
ESExpResult *       e_cal_backend_sexp_func_time_day_end
                                                        (ESExp *esexp,
                                                         gint argc,
                                                         ESExpResult **argv,
                                                         gpointer data);
gboolean            e_cal_backend_sexp_evaluate_occur_times
                                                        (ECalBackendSExp *sexp,
                                                         time_t *start,
                                                         time_t *end);



e_cal_backend_sexp_new ()

ECalBackendSExp *   e_cal_backend_sexp_new              (const gchar *text);

e_cal_backend_sexp_text ()

const gchar *       e_cal_backend_sexp_text             (ECalBackendSExp *sexp);

Retrieve the text expression for the given ECalBackendSExp object.

sexp :

An ECalBackendSExp object.

Returns :

the text expression

e_cal_backend_sexp_match_object ()

gboolean            e_cal_backend_sexp_match_object     (ECalBackendSExp *sexp,
                                                         const gchar *object,
                                                         ETimezoneCache *cache);

Checks if object matches sexp.

sexp :

An ESExp object.

object :

An iCalendar string.

cache :

an ETimezoneCache

Returns :

TRUE if the object matches, FALSE otherwise

e_cal_backend_sexp_match_comp ()

gboolean            e_cal_backend_sexp_match_comp       (ECalBackendSExp *sexp,
                                                         ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         ETimezoneCache *cache);

Checks if comp matches sexp.

sexp :

An ESExp object.

comp :

Component to match against the expression.

cache :

an ETimezoneCache

Returns :

TRUE if the component matches, FALSE otherwise

e_cal_backend_sexp_func_time_now ()

ESExpResult *       e_cal_backend_sexp_func_time_now    (ESExp *esexp,
                                                         gint argc,
                                                         ESExpResult **argv,
                                                         gpointer data);

Processes the (time-now) sexp expression.

esexp :

An ESExp object.

argc :

Number of arguments.

argv :

The arguments.

data :

Closure data.

Returns :

The result of the function.

e_cal_backend_sexp_func_make_time ()

ESExpResult *       e_cal_backend_sexp_func_make_time   (ESExp *esexp,
                                                         gint argc,
                                                         ESExpResult **argv,
                                                         gpointer data);

(make-time ISODATE) ISODATE - string, ISO 8601 date/time representation

Constructs a time_t value for the specified date.

esexp :

An ESExp object.

argc :

Number of arguments.

argv :

The arguments.

data :

Closure data.

Returns :

The result of the function.

e_cal_backend_sexp_func_time_add_day ()

ESExpResult *       e_cal_backend_sexp_func_time_add_day
                                                        (ESExp *esexp,
                                                         gint argc,
                                                         ESExpResult **argv,
                                                         gpointer data);

(time-add-day TIME N) TIME - time_t, base time N - int, number of days to add

Adds the specified number of days to a time value.

FIXME: TIMEZONES - need to use a timezone or daylight saving changes will make the result incorrect.

esexp :

An ESExp object.

argc :

Number of arguments.

argv :

The arguments.

data :

Closure data.

Returns :

The result of the function.

e_cal_backend_sexp_func_time_day_begin ()

ESExpResult *       e_cal_backend_sexp_func_time_day_begin
                                                        (ESExp *esexp,
                                                         gint argc,
                                                         ESExpResult **argv,
                                                         gpointer data);

(time-day-begin TIME) TIME - time_t, base time

Returns the start of the day, according to the local time.

FIXME: TIMEZONES - this uses the current Unix timezone.

esexp :

An ESExp object.

argc :

Number of arguments.

argv :

The arguments.

data :

Closure data.

Returns :

The result of the function.

e_cal_backend_sexp_func_time_day_end ()

ESExpResult *       e_cal_backend_sexp_func_time_day_end
                                                        (ESExp *esexp,
                                                         gint argc,
                                                         ESExpResult **argv,
                                                         gpointer data);

(time-day-end TIME) TIME - time_t, base time

Returns the end of the day, according to the local time.

FIXME: TIMEZONES - this uses the current Unix timezone.

esexp :

An ESExp object.

argc :

Number of arguments.

argv :

The arguments.

data :

Closure data.

Returns :

The result of the function.

e_cal_backend_sexp_evaluate_occur_times ()

gboolean            e_cal_backend_sexp_evaluate_occur_times
                                                        (ECalBackendSExp *sexp,
                                                         time_t *start,
                                                         time_t *end);

Determines biggest time window given by expressions "occur-in-range" in sexp.

sexp :

An ESExp object.

start :

Start of the time window will be stored here.

end :

End of the time window will be stored here.

Since 2.32