


struct              ECalBackendCache;
ECalBackendCache *  e_cal_backend_cache_new             (const gchar *filename);
ECalComponent *     e_cal_backend_cache_get_component   (ECalBackendCache *cache,
                                                         const gchar *uid,
                                                         const gchar *rid);
gboolean            e_cal_backend_cache_put_component   (ECalBackendCache *cache,
                                                         ECalComponent *comp);
gboolean            e_cal_backend_cache_remove_component
                                                        (ECalBackendCache *cache,
                                                         const gchar *uid,
                                                         const gchar *rid);
GList *             e_cal_backend_cache_get_components  (ECalBackendCache *cache);
GSList *            e_cal_backend_cache_get_components_by_uid
                                                        (ECalBackendCache *cache,
                                                         const gchar *uid);
const icaltimezone * e_cal_backend_cache_get_timezone   (ECalBackendCache *cache,
                                                         const gchar *tzid);
gboolean            e_cal_backend_cache_put_timezone    (ECalBackendCache *cache,
                                                         const icaltimezone *zone);
gboolean            e_cal_backend_cache_put_default_timezone
                                                        (ECalBackendCache *cache,
                                                         icaltimezone *default_zone);
icaltimezone *      e_cal_backend_cache_get_default_timezone
                                                        (ECalBackendCache *cache);
GSList *            e_cal_backend_cache_get_keys        (ECalBackendCache *cache);
const gchar *       e_cal_backend_cache_get_marker      (ECalBackendCache *cache);
void                e_cal_backend_cache_set_marker      (ECalBackendCache *cache);
gboolean            e_cal_backend_cache_put_server_utc_time
                                                        (ECalBackendCache *cache,
                                                         const gchar *utc_str);
const gchar *       e_cal_backend_cache_get_server_utc_time
                                                        (ECalBackendCache *cache);
gboolean            e_cal_backend_cache_put_key_value   (ECalBackendCache *cache,
                                                         const gchar *key,
                                                         const gchar *value);
const gchar *       e_cal_backend_cache_get_key_value   (ECalBackendCache *cache,
                                                         const gchar *key);
gboolean            e_cal_backend_cache_remove          (const gchar *dirname,
                                                         const gchar *basename);

Object Hierarchy




struct ECalBackendCache

struct ECalBackendCache;

e_cal_backend_cache_new ()

ECalBackendCache *  e_cal_backend_cache_new             (const gchar *filename);

Creates a new ECalBackendCache object, which implements a cache of calendar/tasks objects, very useful for remote backends.

filename :

filename for cache data

Returns :

a new ECalBackendCache

e_cal_backend_cache_get_component ()

ECalComponent *     e_cal_backend_cache_get_component   (ECalBackendCache *cache,
                                                         const gchar *uid,
                                                         const gchar *rid);

Gets a component from the ECalBackendCache object.

cache :

A ECalBackendCache object.

uid :

The UID of the component to retrieve.

rid :

Recurrence ID of the specific detached recurrence to retrieve, or NULL if the whole object is to be retrieved.

Returns :

The ECalComponent representing the component found, or NULL if it was not found in the cache.

e_cal_backend_cache_put_component ()

gboolean            e_cal_backend_cache_put_component   (ECalBackendCache *cache,
                                                         ECalComponent *comp);

Puts the given calendar component in the given cache. This will add the component if it does not exist or replace it if there was a previous version of it.

cache :

An ECalBackendCache object.

comp :

Component to put on the cache.

Returns :

TRUE if the operation was successful, FALSE otherwise.

e_cal_backend_cache_remove_component ()

gboolean            e_cal_backend_cache_remove_component
                                                        (ECalBackendCache *cache,
                                                         const gchar *uid,
                                                         const gchar *rid);

Removes a component from the cache.

cache :

An ECalBackendCache object.

uid :

UID of the component to remove.

rid :

Recurrence-ID of the component to remove. This is used when removing detached instances of a recurring appointment.

Returns :

TRUE if the component was removed, FALSE otherwise.

e_cal_backend_cache_get_components ()

GList *             e_cal_backend_cache_get_components  (ECalBackendCache *cache);

Retrieves a list of all the components stored in the cache.

cache :

An ECalBackendCache object.

Returns :

A list of all the components. Each item in the list is an ECalComponent, which should be freed when no longer needed.

e_cal_backend_cache_get_components_by_uid ()

GSList *            e_cal_backend_cache_get_components_by_uid
                                                        (ECalBackendCache *cache,
                                                         const gchar *uid);

Retrieves a ical components from the cache.

cache :

An ECalBackendCache object.

uid :

ID of the component to retrieve.

Returns :

The list of calendar components if found, or NULL otherwise.

e_cal_backend_cache_get_timezone ()

const icaltimezone * e_cal_backend_cache_get_timezone   (ECalBackendCache *cache,
                                                         const gchar *tzid);

Retrieves a timezone component from the cache.

cache :

An ECalBackendCache object.

tzid :

ID of the timezone to retrieve.

Returns :

The timezone if found, or NULL otherwise.

e_cal_backend_cache_put_timezone ()

gboolean            e_cal_backend_cache_put_timezone    (ECalBackendCache *cache,
                                                         const icaltimezone *zone);

Puts the given timezone in the cache, adding it, if it did not exist, or replacing it, if there was an older version.

cache :

An ECalBackendCache object.

zone :

The timezone to put on the cache.

Returns :

TRUE if the timezone was put on the cache, FALSE otherwise.

e_cal_backend_cache_put_default_timezone ()

gboolean            e_cal_backend_cache_put_default_timezone
                                                        (ECalBackendCache *cache,
                                                         icaltimezone *default_zone);

Sets the default timezone on the cache.

cache :

An ECalBackendCache object.

default_zone :

The default timezone.

Returns :

TRUE if the operation was successful, FALSE otherwise.

e_cal_backend_cache_get_default_timezone ()

icaltimezone *      e_cal_backend_cache_get_default_timezone
                                                        (ECalBackendCache *cache);

Retrieves the default timezone from the cache.

cache :

An ECalBackendCache object.

Returns :

The default timezone, or NULL if no default timezone has been set on the cache.

e_cal_backend_cache_get_keys ()

GSList *            e_cal_backend_cache_get_keys        (ECalBackendCache *cache);

Gets the list of unique keys in the cache file.

cache :

An ECalBackendCache object.

Returns :

A list of all the keys. The items in the list are pointers to internal data, so should not be freed, only the list should.

e_cal_backend_cache_get_marker ()

const gchar *       e_cal_backend_cache_get_marker      (ECalBackendCache *cache);

Gets the marker of the cache. If this field is present, it means the cache has been populated.

cache :

An ECalBackendCache object.

Returns :

The value of the marker or NULL if the cache is still empty.

e_cal_backend_cache_set_marker ()

void                e_cal_backend_cache_set_marker      (ECalBackendCache *cache);

Marks the cache as populated, to discriminate between an empty calendar and an unpopulated one.

cache :

An ECalBackendCache object.

e_cal_backend_cache_put_server_utc_time ()

gboolean            e_cal_backend_cache_put_server_utc_time
                                                        (ECalBackendCache *cache,
                                                         const gchar *utc_str);

cache :

An ECalBackendCache object.

utc_str :

UTC string.

Returns :

TRUE if the operation was successful, FALSE otherwise.

e_cal_backend_cache_get_server_utc_time ()

const gchar *       e_cal_backend_cache_get_server_utc_time
                                                        (ECalBackendCache *cache);

cache :

An ECalBackendCache object.

Returns :

The server's UTC string.

e_cal_backend_cache_put_key_value ()

gboolean            e_cal_backend_cache_put_key_value   (ECalBackendCache *cache,
                                                         const gchar *key,
                                                         const gchar *value);

cache :

An ECalBackendCache object.

key :

The Key parameter to identify uniquely.

value :

The value for the key parameter.

Returns :

TRUE if the operation was successful, FALSE otherwise.

e_cal_backend_cache_get_key_value ()

const gchar *       e_cal_backend_cache_get_key_value   (ECalBackendCache *cache,
                                                         const gchar *key);

cache :

An ECalBackendCache object.

Returns :

The value.

e_cal_backend_cache_remove ()

gboolean            e_cal_backend_cache_remove          (const gchar *dirname,
                                                         const gchar *basename);

Since 2.28