


gint                time_days_in_month                  (gint year,
                                                         gint month);
gint                time_day_of_year                    (gint day,
                                                         gint month,
                                                         gint year);
gint                time_day_of_week                    (gint day,
                                                         gint month,
                                                         gint year);
gboolean            time_is_leap_year                   (gint year);
gint                time_leap_years_up_to               (gint year);
gchar *             isodate_from_time_t                 (time_t t);
time_t              time_from_isodate                   (const gchar *str);
time_t              time_add_day                        (time_t time,
                                                         gint days);
time_t              time_add_week                       (time_t time,
                                                         gint weeks);
time_t              time_day_begin                      (time_t t);
time_t              time_day_end                        (time_t t);
time_t              time_add_day_with_zone              (time_t time,
                                                         gint days,
                                                         icaltimezone *zone);
time_t              time_add_week_with_zone             (time_t time,
                                                         gint weeks,
                                                         icaltimezone *zone);
time_t              time_add_month_with_zone            (time_t time,
                                                         gint months,
                                                         icaltimezone *zone);
time_t              time_year_begin_with_zone           (time_t time,
                                                         icaltimezone *zone);
time_t              time_month_begin_with_zone          (time_t time,
                                                         icaltimezone *zone);
time_t              time_week_begin_with_zone           (time_t time,
                                                         gint week_start_day,
                                                         icaltimezone *zone);
time_t              time_day_begin_with_zone            (time_t time,
                                                         icaltimezone *zone);
time_t              time_day_end_with_zone              (time_t time,
                                                         icaltimezone *zone);
void                time_to_gdate_with_zone             (GDate *date,
                                                         time_t time,
                                                         icaltimezone *zone);
struct tm           icaltimetype_to_tm                  (struct icaltimetype *itt);
struct tm           icaltimetype_to_tm_with_zone        (struct icaltimetype *itt,
                                                         icaltimezone *from_zone,
                                                         icaltimezone *to_zone);
struct icaltimetype tm_to_icaltimetype                  (struct tm *tm,
                                                         gboolean is_date);



time_days_in_month ()

gint                time_days_in_month                  (gint year,
                                                         gint month);

Returns the number of days in the month. Year is the normal year, e.g. 2001. Month is 0 (Jan) to 11 (Dec).

year :

The year.

month :

The month.

Returns :

number of days in the given month/year.

time_day_of_year ()

gint                time_day_of_year                    (gint day,
                                                         gint month,
                                                         gint year);

Returns the 1-based day number within the year of the specified date. Year is the normal year, e.g. 2001. Month is 0 to 11.

day :

The day.

month :

The month.

year :

The year.

Returns :

the day of the year.

time_day_of_week ()

gint                time_day_of_week                    (gint day,
                                                         gint month,
                                                         gint year);

Returns the day of the week for the specified date, 0 (Sun) to 6 (Sat). For the days that were removed on the Gregorian reformation, it returns Thursday. Year is the normal year, e.g. 2001. Month is 0 to 11.

day :

The day.

month :

The month.

year :

The year.

Returns :

the day of the week for the given date.

time_is_leap_year ()

gboolean            time_is_leap_year                   (gint year);

Returns whether the specified year is a leap year. Year is the normal year, e.g. 2001.

year :

The year.

Returns :

TRUE if the year is leap, FALSE if not.

time_leap_years_up_to ()

gint                time_leap_years_up_to               (gint year);

Returns the number of leap years since year 1 up to (but not including) the specified year. Year is the normal year, e.g. 2001.

year :

The year.

Returns :

number of leap years.

isodate_from_time_t ()

gchar *             isodate_from_time_t                 (time_t t);

Creates an ISO 8601 UTC representation from a time value.

t :

A time value.

Returns :

String with the ISO 8601 representation of the UTC time.

time_from_isodate ()

time_t              time_from_isodate                   (const gchar *str);

Converts an ISO 8601 UTC time string into a time_t value.

str :

Date/time value in ISO 8601 format.

Returns :

Time_t corresponding to the specified ISO string. Note that we only allow UTC times at present.

time_add_day ()

time_t              time_add_day                        (time_t time,
                                                         gint days);

Adds a day onto the time, using local time. Note that if clocks go forward due to daylight savings time, there are some non-existent local times, so the hour may be changed to make it a valid time. This also means that it may not be wise to keep calling time_add_day() to step through a certain period - if the hour gets changed to make it valid time, any further calls to time_add_day() will also return this hour, which may not be what you want.

time :

A time_t value.

days :

Number of days to add.

Returns :

a time_t value containing time plus the days added.

time_add_week ()

time_t              time_add_week                       (time_t time,
                                                         gint weeks);

Adds the given number of weeks to a time value.

time :

A time_t value.

weeks :

Number of weeks to add.

Returns :

a time_t value containing time plus the weeks added.

time_day_begin ()

time_t              time_day_begin                      (time_t t);

Returns the start of the day, according to the local time.

t :

A time_t value.

Returns :

the time corresponding to the beginning of the day.

time_day_end ()

time_t              time_day_end                        (time_t t);

Returns the end of the day, according to the local time.

t :

A time_t value.

Returns :

the time corresponding to the end of the day.

time_add_day_with_zone ()

time_t              time_add_day_with_zone              (time_t time,
                                                         gint days,
                                                         icaltimezone *zone);

Adds or subtracts a number of days to/from the given time_t value, using the given timezone. NOTE: this function is only here to make the transition to the timezone functions easier. New code should use icaltimetype values and icaltime_adjust() to add or subtract days, hours, minutes & seconds.

time :

A time_t value.

days :

Number of days to add.

zone :

Timezone to use.

Returns :

a time_t value containing time plus the days added.

time_add_week_with_zone ()

time_t              time_add_week_with_zone             (time_t time,
                                                         gint weeks,
                                                         icaltimezone *zone);

Adds or subtracts a number of weeks to/from the given time_t value, using the given timezone. NOTE: this function is only here to make the transition to the timezone functions easier. New code should use icaltimetype values and icaltime_adjust() to add or subtract days, hours, minutes & seconds.

time :

A time_t value.

weeks :

Number of weeks to add.

zone :

Timezone to use.

Returns :

a time_t value containing time plus the weeks added.

time_add_month_with_zone ()

time_t              time_add_month_with_zone            (time_t time,
                                                         gint months,
                                                         icaltimezone *zone);

Adds or subtracts a number of months to/from the given time_t value, using the given timezone.

If the day would be off the end of the month (e.g. adding 1 month to 30th January, would lead to an invalid day, 30th February), it moves it down to the last day in the month, e.g. 28th Feb (or 29th in a leap year.)

NOTE: this function is only here to make the transition to the timezone functions easier. New code should use icaltimetype values and icaltime_adjust() to add or subtract days, hours, minutes & seconds.

time :

A time_t value.

months :

Number of months to add.

zone :

Timezone to use.

Returns :

a time_t value containing time plus the months added.

time_year_begin_with_zone ()

time_t              time_year_begin_with_zone           (time_t time,
                                                         icaltimezone *zone);

Returns the start of the year containing the given time_t, using the given timezone. NOTE: this function is only here to make the transition to the timezone functions easier. New code should use icaltimetype values and icaltime_adjust() to add or subtract days, hours, minutes & seconds.

time :

A time_t value.

zone :

Timezone to use.

Returns :

the beginning of the year.

time_month_begin_with_zone ()

time_t              time_month_begin_with_zone          (time_t time,
                                                         icaltimezone *zone);

Returns the start of the month containing the given time_t, using the given timezone. NOTE: this function is only here to make the transition to the timezone functions easier. New code should use icaltimetype values and icaltime_adjust() to add or subtract days, hours, minutes & seconds.

time :

A time_t value.

zone :

Timezone to use.

Returns :

the beginning of the month.

time_week_begin_with_zone ()

time_t              time_week_begin_with_zone           (time_t time,
                                                         gint week_start_day,
                                                         icaltimezone *zone);

Returns the start of the week containing the given time_t, using the given timezone. week_start_day should use the same values as mktime(), i.e. 0 (Sun) to 6 (Sat). NOTE: this function is only here to make the transition to the timezone functions easier. New code should use icaltimetype values and icaltime_adjust() to add or subtract days, hours, minutes & seconds.

time :

A time_t value.

week_start_day :

Day to use as the starting of the week.

zone :

Timezone to use.

Returns :

the beginning of the week.

time_day_begin_with_zone ()

time_t              time_day_begin_with_zone            (time_t time,
                                                         icaltimezone *zone);

Returns the start of the day containing the given time_t, using the given timezone. NOTE: this function is only here to make the transition to the timezone functions easier. New code should use icaltimetype values and icaltime_adjust() to add or subtract days, hours, minutes & seconds.

time :

A time_t value.

zone :

Timezone to use.

Returns :

the beginning of the day.

time_day_end_with_zone ()

time_t              time_day_end_with_zone              (time_t time,
                                                         icaltimezone *zone);

Returns the end of the day containing the given time_t, using the given timezone. (The end of the day is the start of the next day.) NOTE: this function is only here to make the transition to the timezone functions easier. New code should use icaltimetype values and icaltime_adjust() to add or subtract days, hours, minutes & seconds.

time :

A time_t value.

zone :

Timezone to use.

Returns :

the end of the day.

time_to_gdate_with_zone ()

void                time_to_gdate_with_zone             (GDate *date,
                                                         time_t time,
                                                         icaltimezone *zone);

Converts a time_t value to a GDate structure using the specified timezone. This is analogous to g_date_set_time() but takes the timezone into account.

date :

Destination GDate value.

time :

A time value.

zone :

Desired timezone for destination date, or NULL if the UTC timezone is desired.

icaltimetype_to_tm ()

struct tm           icaltimetype_to_tm                  (struct icaltimetype *itt);

Convers an icaltimetype structure into a GLibc's struct tm.

itt :

An icaltimetype structure.

Returns :

The converted time as a struct tm. All fields will be set properly except for tm.tm_yday.

Since 2.22

icaltimetype_to_tm_with_zone ()

struct tm           icaltimetype_to_tm_with_zone        (struct icaltimetype *itt,
                                                         icaltimezone *from_zone,
                                                         icaltimezone *to_zone);

Converts a time value from one timezone to another, and returns a struct tm representation of the time.

itt :

A time value.

from_zone :

Source timezone.

to_zone :

Destination timezone.

Returns :

The converted time as a struct tm. All fields will be set properly except for tm.tm_yday.

Since 2.22

tm_to_icaltimetype ()

struct icaltimetype tm_to_icaltimetype                  (struct tm *tm,
                                                         gboolean is_date);

Converts a struct tm into an icaltimetype.

tm :

A struct tm.

is_date :

Whether the given time is a date only or not.

Returns :

The converted time as an icaltimetype.

Since 2.22