
GUPnPCDSLastChangeParser — LastChange parser for the format used in CDS:3

Object Hierarchy



GUPnPCDSLastChangeParser parses XML strings from CDS's LastChange state variable.


struct GUPnPCDSLastChangeParser

struct GUPnPCDSLastChangeParser;

enum GUPnPCDSLastChangeEvent

typedef enum {
} GUPnPCDSLastChangeEvent;







typedef struct _GUPnPCDSLastChangeEntry GUPnPCDSLastChangeEntry;

Opaque struct which contains information about the event.

gupnp_cds_last_change_parser_new ()

GUPnPCDSLastChangeParser * gupnp_cds_last_change_parser_new

Create a new GUPnPCDSLastChangeParser.

This parser is able to parse LastChange as defined in the ContentDirectory:3 specification.

Returns :

A new instance of GUPnPCDSLastChangeParser. [transfer full]

gupnp_cds_last_change_parser_parse ()

GList *             gupnp_cds_last_change_parser_parse  (GUPnPCDSLastChangeParser *parser,
                                                         const char *last_change,
                                                         GError **error);

Parse a LastChange XML document in the flavor defined by the ContentDirectory:3 specification.

parser :


last_change :

XML string to parse

error :

Return value for parser error or NULL to ingore

Returns :

List of GUPnPCDSLastChangeEntrys. [element-type GUPnPCDSLastChangeEntry][transfer full]

gupnp_cds_last_change_entry_ref ()

GUPnPCDSLastChangeEntry * gupnp_cds_last_change_entry_ref
                                                        (GUPnPCDSLastChangeEntry *entry);

Increase reference count of a GUPnPCDSLastChangeEntry.

entry :

A GUPnPCDSLastChangeEntry

Returns :

The object passed in entry. [transfer full]

gupnp_cds_last_change_entry_unref ()

void                gupnp_cds_last_change_entry_unref   (GUPnPCDSLastChangeEntry *entry);

Decrease reference count of a GUPnPCDSLastChangeEntry. If the reference count drops to 0, entry is freed.

gupnp_cds_last_change_entry_get_event ()

GUPnPCDSLastChangeEvent gupnp_cds_last_change_entry_get_event
                                                        (GUPnPCDSLastChangeEntry *entry);

Get the type of the last change entry as defined in GUPnPCDSLastChangeEvent.

entry :

A GUPnPCDSLastChangeEntry

Returns :

An event from the GUPnPCDSLastChangeEvent or GUPNP_CDS_LAST_CHANGE_EVENT_INVALID if the entry is not valid.

gupnp_cds_last_change_entry_get_object_id ()

const char *        gupnp_cds_last_change_entry_get_object_id
                                                        (GUPnPCDSLastChangeEntry *entry);

Get the ID of the object in this change entry.

entry :

A GUPnPCDSLastChangeEntry

Returns :

The id of the object of this entry. [transfer none]

gupnp_cds_last_change_entry_get_parent_id ()

const char *        gupnp_cds_last_change_entry_get_parent_id
                                                        (GUPnPCDSLastChangeEntry *entry);

Get the parent object id of the object in this change entry. This is only valid if gupnp_cds_last_change_entry_get_event() returns GUPNP_CDS_LAST_CHANGE_EVENT_OBJECT_ADDED.

entry :

A GUPnPCDSLastChangeEntry

Returns :

The id of the object's parent of this entry. [transfer none]

gupnp_cds_last_change_entry_get_class ()

const char *        gupnp_cds_last_change_entry_get_class
                                                        (GUPnPCDSLastChangeEntry *entry);

Get the class of the object in this change entry. This is only valid if gupnp_cds_last_change_entry_get_event() returns GUPNP_CDS_LAST_CHANGE_EVENT_OBJECT_ADDED.

entry :

A GUPnPCDSLastChangeEntry

Returns :

The upnp class of the object of this entry. [transfer none]

gupnp_cds_last_change_entry_is_subtree_update ()

gboolean            gupnp_cds_last_change_entry_is_subtree_update
                                                        (GUPnPCDSLastChangeEntry *entry);

Returns whether this entry is part of a subtree update.

entry :

A GUPnPCDSLastChangeEntry

Returns :

TRUE, if the entry is part of a subtree update, FALSE otherwise.

gupnp_cds_last_change_entry_get_update_id ()

guint32             gupnp_cds_last_change_entry_get_update_id
                                                        (GUPnPCDSLastChangeEntry *entry);

Get the update id of the last change entry.

entry :

A GUPnPCDSLastChangeEntry

Returns :

update id of the entry or 0 if the entry is not valid.