Un exemple simple

Comme entrée en matière avec gtkmm, nous débuterons avec le programme le plus simple qui soit. Ce programme crée une fenêtre vide de 200 x 200 pixels.

Source Code

File: base.cc (For use with gtkmm 4)

#include <gtkmm.h>

class MyWindow : public Gtk::Window

  set_title("Basic application");
  set_default_size(200, 200);

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  auto app = Gtk::Application::create("org.gtkmm.examples.base");

  return app->make_window_and_run<MyWindow>(argc, argv);

Détaillons maintenant chaque ligne de l'exemple

#include <gtkmm.h>

Tous les programmes gtkmm doivent inclure certains fichiers d'en-tête gtkmm ; gtkmm.h inclut la totalité du jeu d'en-têtes gtkmm. En règle générale, ce n'est pas une bonne idée parce que cette façon de faire inclut à peu près un mégaoctet d'en-têtes, mais pour des programmes simples, c'est acceptable.

The next statement:

auto app = Gtk::Application::create("org.gtkmm.examples.base");
creates a Gtk::Application object, stored in a Glib::RefPtr smartpointer. This is needed in all gtkmm applications. The create() method for this object initializes gtkmm.

The next two lines of code create a window and set its default (initial) size:

Gtk::Window window;
window.set_default_size(200, 200);

The last line shows the window and enters the gtkmm main processing loop, which will finish when the window is closed. Your main() function will then return with an appropriate success or error code. The argc and argv arguments, passed to your application on the command line, can be checked when run() is called, but this simple application does not use those arguments.

return app->run(window, argc, argv);

After putting the source code in simple.cc you can compile the above program with gcc using:

g++ simple.cc -o simple `pkg-config gtkmm-4.0 --cflags --libs`
Note that you must surround the pkg-config invocation with backquotes. Backquotes cause the shell to execute the command inside them, and to use the command's output as part of the command line. Note also that simple.cc must come before the pkg-config invocation on the command line.