Variable Reference

Generating Header Files

The name of the header file to generate


The input DocBook files for generating the header file

Generating Documentation Files

The name of the document being built


The unique identifier for a Mallard document


Page files in a Mallard document


Files included with a SYSTEM entity


Files included with XInclude


Figures and other external data


The default formats to be built and installed


The languages this document is translated into

Rules for OMF Files

The OMF input file


The OMF files for DocBook output


The OMF files for HTML output


All OMF output files to be built

C Locale Documents

The top-level documentation file in the C locale


Page files in a Mallard document in the C locale


Files included with a SYSTEM entity in the C locale


Files included with XInclude in the C locale


All documentation files in the C locale


All documentation files in the C locale, except files included with a SYSTEM entity


All figures and other external data in the C locale


All HTML documentation in the C locale

Other Locale Documentation

The .po files used for translating the document


The .mo files used for translating the document


The top-level documentation files in all other locales


Page files in a Mallard document in all other locales


Files included with XInclude in all other locales


All HTML documentation in all other locales


All documentation files in all other locales


All figures and other external data in all other locales


A pot file

All Documentation

All HTML documentation, only if it's built