This document is for libgirepository version 1.60.2 . The latest version of this documentation can be found on-line at

For more information on how to build libgirepository, for how to build bindings with it and for information on GObject Introspection in general see

GIRepository — GObject Introspection repository manager
GITypelib — TODO
Version Information — macros and functions to check the girepository version
Common Types — TODO
Struct hierarchy — Struct hierarchy description for GIBaseInfo and all its sub structs
GIBaseInfo — Base struct for all GITypelib structs
GICallableInfo — Struct representing a callable
GIFunctionInfo — Struct representing a function
GICallbackInfo — Struct representing a callback
GISignalInfo — Struct representing a signal
GIVFuncInfo — Struct representing a virtual function
GIRegisteredTypeInfo — Struct representing a struct with a GType
GIEnumInfo — Structs representing an enumeration and its values
GIStructInfo — Struct representing a C structure
GIUnionInfo — Struct representing a union.
GIObjectInfo — Struct representing a GObject
GIInterfaceInfo — Struct representing a GInterface
GIArgInfo — Struct representing an argument
GIConstantInfo — Struct representing a constant
GIFieldInfo — Struct representing a struct or union field
GIPropertyInfo — Struct representing a property
GITypeInfo — Struct representing a type
GIValueInfo — Struct representing a value
FFI Interface
girffi — TODO
Internals & Typelib Format
GITypelib Internals — Layout and accessors for typelib
Index of deprecated symbols
Index of new symbols in 1.30
Index of new symbols in 1.32
Index of new symbols in 1.34
Index of new symbols in 1.36
Index of new symbols in 1.42
Index of new symbols in 1.44
Index of new symbols in 1.46
Index of new symbols in 1.60
Annotation Glossary