
GFBGraphSimpleAuthorizer — GFBGraph simple authorization interface

Stability Level

Unstable, unless otherwise indicated


#include <gfbgraph/gfbgraph-simple-authorizer.h>

struct              GFBGraphSimpleAuthorizer;
struct              GFBGraphSimpleAuthorizerClass;
GFBGraphSimpleAuthorizer * gfbgraph_simple_authorizer_new
                                                        (const gchar *access_token);

Object Hierarchy


Implemented Interfaces

GFBGraphSimpleAuthorizer implements GFBGraphAuthorizer.


  "access-token"             gchar*                : Read / Write


GFBGraphSimpleAuthorizer provides an implementation of the GFBGraphAuthorizer interface for authorization using a access token provided in creation time, no refresh, just a simple authorizer for test purposes, don't use in final code.


struct GFBGraphSimpleAuthorizer

struct GFBGraphSimpleAuthorizer;

struct GFBGraphSimpleAuthorizerClass

struct GFBGraphSimpleAuthorizerClass {
        GObjectClass parent_class;

gfbgraph_simple_authorizer_new ()

GFBGraphSimpleAuthorizer * gfbgraph_simple_authorizer_new
                                                        (const gchar *access_token);

Creates a new GFBGraphAuthorizer to use with the GFBGraph library using the access_token as access token. It's only a test authorizer, don't use in final code.

access_token :

a const gchar.

Returns :

a GFBGraphSimpleAuthorizer. [transfer full]

Property Details

The "access-token" property

  "access-token"             gchar*                : Read / Write

The access token for the Facebook Graph API.

Default value: ""