
org.freedesktop.GeoClue2.Location — The Location interface


Latitude     readable   d
Longitude    readable   d
Accuracy     readable   d
Description  readable   s


This is the interface you use on location objects.

Property Details

The "Latitude" property

Latitude  readable   d

The latitude of the location, in degrees.

The "Longitude" property

Longitude  readable   d

The longitude of the location, in degrees.

The "Accuracy" property

Accuracy  readable   d

The accuracy of the location fix, in meters.

The "Description" property

Description  readable   s

A human-readable description of the location, if available.

WARNING: Applications should not rely on this property since not all sources provide a description. If you really need a description (or more details) about current location, use a reverse-geocoding API, e.g geocode-glib.