How to Write for Translation

This section provides you with specific rules about how to write for translation, with practical examples. The topics in this section are the most common causes of translation errors. You can use the following basic grammar guidelines to avoid most situations that cause difficulty for translators and readers. The examples for each topic might relate to releases of the GNOME Desktop that predate the release you are working with, nevertheless the linguistic points remain valid.

Topic 1 Gerund
Rule Do not use a gerund where a translator can mistake the gerund form for an adjective. The most common place for this problem to occur is when a gerund immediately precedes a noun.
Example Clicking Programs opens the Programs menu.
Rewrite Click on Programs to open the Programs menu.
  1. You can use the gerund in section headers, for example: Using the Menu Editor.
  2. You can use the gerund in the present continuous tense, for example: The application is running.
  3. You can use the gerund for the term Settings, for example, when you describe controls in a dialog.
  4. You can use the gerund for the adjective following, when you introduce a list or a procedure.
  5. You can use gerunds preceded by an article when the gerund is a noun, for example, the setting.

Topic 2 Passive voice
Rule Use the active voice wherever you can. If you do use the passive voice, analyze the text to see if you can say the same thing in the active voice.
Example The Menu Editor is started from the Main Menu.
Rewrite You start the Menu Editor from the Main Menu.
Exceptions Sometimes you cannot avoid the passive voice. If the sentence does not make sense in the active voice, then use the passive voice, but limit the occurrences.

Topic 3 Indefinite pronouns
Rule Restrict the use of indefinite pronouns such as it, this, and those, especially at the beginning of sentences.
Example The Menu Editor is a configuration tool for the Main Menu. It is very useful in setting your system to your system requirements.
Rewrite The Menu Editor is a configuration tool for the Main Menu. The Menu Editor provides a useful way to set your system requirements.
Exceptions Very restricted usage only.

Topic 4 Future tense
Rule Use the present tense in your writing wherever you can. Do not use the future tense, or future passive tenses.
Example 1 In the menu tree you will notice that there are two main menu lists.
Rewrite 1 The menu tree contains two main menu lists.
Example 2 In the menu tree you will have noticed that there are two main menu lists.
Rewrite 2 The menu tree contains two main menu lists.
Exceptions Restrict the use of the future tense to only those circumstances that will happen at some future point in time, such as next year.

Topic 5 There is, there are
Rule The terms there is and there are are ambiguous. Do not use these terms.
Example In the menu tree there are two main menu lists.
Rewrite The menu tree contains two main menu lists.
Exceptions Limit your use of these terms. Test your text to see if you can phrase the sentence with a more definite verb.

Topic 6 Sentence length
Rule See Section 1.2 ― Golden Rules.
Example If you would like to place a menu item onto the panel, you can drag and drop from the menu to the panel and it will place a launcher there with all the appropriate properties set for you.
Rewrite You can drag a menu item from the menu to the panel. The drag action places a launcher on the panel with all the appropriate properties set.
Exceptions Legal statements.

Topic 7 How to introduce lists and procedures
Rule See Section 2.5 ― Lists.
Example In the Properties dialog select:
Rewrite In the Properties dialog select the following parameters:

Single nouns in front of a colon are acceptable, as opposed to a sentence fragment. For example, if the preceding paragraph discusses parameters, you can introduce the list of parameters in the following way: Parameters:

Also note the use of the gerund following in this context.

Topic 8 Parentheses
Rule Use parentheses to introduce abbreviations that you will use later, such as GNOME Documentation Project (GDP). Do not use parentheses to provide explanations.
Example The theme files should be in a tar.gz or .tgz format (otherwise known as a tarball).
Rewrite The theme files are usually in a tar.gz or .tgz archive file, known as a tarball.
Exception None.

Topic 9 Rank of structures within a sentence
Rule Repeat noun modifiers to make structures equal in rank in a sentence.
Example You can start applications from panel menus or objects.
Rewrite You can start applications from panel menus or panel objects.
Exception None.

Topic 10 Semicolons
Rule See the entry for Semicolons in Chapter 3 ― Grammar and Usage Guidelines.
Example The first option in the dialog is selected; all the other options are unselected.
Rewrite The first option in the dialog is selected. All the other options are unselected.
Exception None.

Topic 11 Personal pronouns
Rule Do not use personal pronouns other than you. See also the entry for Gender in Chapter 3 ― Grammar and Usage Guidelines.
Example We recommend this method of moving a symbolic link.
Rewrite Use this method to move a symbolic link.
Exception None.

Topic 12 May
Rule Replace may with can or might.
Example These settings may be accessed from the GMC Preferences dialog. You may launch this dialog by selecting the Preferences item from the Settings menu.
Rewrite You can access these settings from the GMC Preferences dialog. To launch this dialog select the Preferences item from the Settings menu.
Exception Use may only when you grant permission to do something.

Topic 13 Possessive apostrophe 's, Saxon Genitive. See Appendix C ― Glossary of Terms in This Guide.
Rule Replace the genitive construction with an of structure. See also the entry for Apostrophe in Chapter 3 ― Grammar and Usage Guidelines.
Example You can configure a drawer's properties by right-clicking on the drawer's icon and selecting Properties.
Rewrite To configure the properties of a drawer, right-click on the drawer and select Properties.
Exception Use the genitive construction for named individuals, for example: Bob's book.

Topic 14 Contractions
Rule Replace contractions with the relevant complete words. Especially avoid the 's contraction for is and has. Translators can confuse these contractions with each other, or with the Saxon genitive or even with plurals. See also the entries for Apostrophe and Contractions in Chapter 3 ― Grammar and Usage Guidelines.
Example If you're new to GNOME...
Rewrite If you are new to GNOME...
Exception Only use a contraction if you cannot find a reasonable alternative.

Topic 15 Exotic tenses
Rule Write in the present tense. Avoid conditional phrases and past tenses.
Example If you are missing any drives that might have been added to your machine, you may right mouse click on the desktop and choose...
Rewrite If any drives are missing from your machine, right-click on the desktop and choose...
Exception None.

Topic 16 Gender-specific references
Rule See Section 1.4.4 ― Do Not Offend Your Audience.
Example Tell the user to reset his password.
Rewrite Tell the users to reset their passwords.
Exception None.

Topic 17 Articles
Rule Do not omit articles in prose.
Example Open Main Menu and select item.
Rewrite Open the Main Menu and select an item.
Exception None.

Topic 18 When, if
  • Use when for an inevitable event.
  • Use if for a conditional event.
Example 1

When the prompt is displayed.

This sentence implies that the prompt is definitely displayed. The only question is when the prompt is displayed.

Example 2

If the prompt is displayed.

The sentence says that the prompt might, or might not, be displayed.

Exception None.

Topic 19 Colloquial language
Rule See Section 1.3 ― Tone.
Example The Modem Lights Applet is a handy applet that will start your dialup connection.
Rewrite The Modem Lights applet starts your dialup connection.
Exception None.

Topic 20 Conjoined sentences
Rule Do not join sentences with conjunctions such as and or so. Instead, create two sentences.
Example At the time of publication of this manual there were not any applications that offer full session management for your data, so until there are some and you are aware of their capabilities you should not rely on session management to save your application.
Rewrite At the time of publication of this manual there were not any applications that offer full session management for your data. Do not rely on session management to save your session, until you have a reliable session-management application.
Exception Use conjoined sentence structures only for short sentences.