gconfmm: gconfmm Reference Manual


gconfmm is the official C++ interface for the GConf client API for storing and retrieving configuration data. See Gnome::Conf::Client.

Basic Usage

Include the gconfmm header:

 #include <gconfmm.h>

(You may include individual headers, such as gconfmm/client.h instead.)

If your source file is program.cc, you can compile it with:

 g++ program.cc -o program `pkg-config --cflags --libs gconfmm-2.6`

Alternatively, if using autoconf, use the following in configure.ac:

 PKG_CHECK_MODULES([GCONFMM], [gconfmm-2.4])

Then use the generated GCONFMM_CFLAGS and GCONFMM_LIBS variables in the project Makefile.am files. For example:

 program_LDADD = $(GCONFMM_LIBS)