
E2kResult — WebDAV Multi-Status results




typedef struct {
	gchar *href;
	gint status;
	E2kProperties *props;
} E2kResult;

e2k_results_free ()

void                e2k_results_free                    (E2kResult *results,
                                                         gint nresults);

Frees the data in results.

results :

a results array

nresults :

the length of results


typedef struct E2kResultIter E2kResultIter;

e2k_result_iter_next ()

E2kResult *         e2k_result_iter_next                (E2kResultIter *iter);

Returns the next result in the operation being iterated by iter. If there are no more results, or if an error occurs, it will return NULL. (The return value of e2k_result_iter_free() distinguishes these two cases.)

iter :

an E2kResultIter

Returns :

the result, or NULL

e2k_result_iter_get_total ()

gint                e2k_result_iter_get_total           (E2kResultIter *iter);

Returns the total number of results expected for iter. Note that in some cases, this may change while the results are being iterated (if objects that match the query are added to or removed from the folder).

iter :

an E2kResultIter

Returns :

the total number of results expected

e2k_result_iter_get_index ()

gint                e2k_result_iter_get_index           (E2kResultIter *iter);

Returns the index of the current result in the complete list of results. Note that for a descending search, index will start at total - 1 and count backwards to 0.

iter :

an E2kResultIter

Returns :

the index of the current result

e2k_result_iter_free ()

E2kHTTPStatus       e2k_result_iter_free                (E2kResultIter *iter);

Frees iter and all associated memory, and returns a status code indicating whether it ended successfully or not. (Note that the status may be E2K_HTTP_OK rather than E2K_HTTP_MULTI_STATUS.)

iter :

an E2kResultIter

Returns :

the final status