
E2kRestriction — Search criteria


struct              E2kRestriction;

E2kRestriction *    e2k_restriction_and                 (gint nrns,
                                                         E2kRestriction **rns,
                                                         gboolean unref);
E2kRestriction *    e2k_restriction_andv                (E2kRestriction *rn,
E2kRestriction *    e2k_restriction_or                  (gint nrns,
                                                         E2kRestriction **rns,
                                                         gboolean unref);
E2kRestriction *    e2k_restriction_orv                 (E2kRestriction *rn,
E2kRestriction *    e2k_restriction_not                 (E2kRestriction *rn,
                                                         gboolean unref);
enum                E2kRestrictionFuzzyLevel;
#define             E2K_FL_MATCH_TYPE                   (fl)
E2kRestriction *    e2k_restriction_content             (const gchar *propname,
                                                         E2kRestrictionFuzzyLevel fuzzy_level,
                                                         const gchar *value);
enum                E2kRestrictionRelop;
E2kRestriction *    e2k_restriction_prop_bool           (const gchar *propname,
                                                         E2kRestrictionRelop relop,
                                                         gboolean value);
E2kRestriction *    e2k_restriction_prop_int            (const gchar *propname,
                                                         E2kRestrictionRelop relop,
                                                         gint value);
E2kRestriction *    e2k_restriction_prop_date           (const gchar *propname,
                                                         E2kRestrictionRelop relop,
                                                         const gchar *value);
E2kRestriction *    e2k_restriction_prop_string         (const gchar *propname,
                                                         E2kRestrictionRelop relop,
                                                         const gchar *value);
E2kRestriction *    e2k_restriction_prop_binary         (const gchar *propname,
                                                         E2kRestrictionRelop relop,
                                                         gconstpointer data,
                                                         gint len);
E2kRestriction *    e2k_restriction_compare             (const gchar *propname1,
                                                         E2kRestrictionRelop relop,
                                                         const gchar *propname2);
enum                E2kRestrictionBitop;
E2kRestriction *    e2k_restriction_bitmask             (const gchar *propname,
                                                         E2kRestrictionBitop bitop,
                                                         guint32 mask);
E2kRestriction *    e2k_restriction_size                (const gchar *propname,
                                                         E2kRestrictionRelop relop,
                                                         guint32 size);
E2kRestriction *    e2k_restriction_exist               (const gchar *propname);
E2kRestriction *    e2k_restriction_sub                 (const gchar *subtable,
                                                         E2kRestriction *rn,
                                                         gboolean unref);

void                e2k_restriction_ref                 (E2kRestriction *rn);
void                e2k_restriction_unref               (E2kRestriction *rn);

gchar *             e2k_restriction_to_sql              (E2kRestriction *rn);



struct E2kRestriction

struct E2kRestriction {

e2k_restriction_and ()

E2kRestriction *    e2k_restriction_and                 (gint nrns,
                                                         E2kRestriction **rns,
                                                         gboolean unref);

Creates a new restriction which is true if all of the restrictions in rns are true.

If unref is TRUE, then e2k_restriction_and() is essentially stealing the caller's references on the restrictions. If it is FALSE, then e2k_restriction_and() will acquire its own references to each of the restrictions.

nrns :

length of rns

rns :

an array of E2kRestriction

unref :

whether or not to unref the restrictions when it is done

Returns :

the new restriction

e2k_restriction_andv ()

E2kRestriction *    e2k_restriction_andv                (E2kRestriction *rn,

Creates a new restriction which is true if all of the passed-in restrictions are true. e2k_restriction_andv() steals the caller's reference on each of the passed-in restrictions.

rn :

an E2kRestriction

... :

a NULL-terminated list of additional E2kRestrictions

Returns :

the new restriction

e2k_restriction_or ()

E2kRestriction *    e2k_restriction_or                  (gint nrns,
                                                         E2kRestriction **rns,
                                                         gboolean unref);

Creates a new restriction which is true if any of the restrictions in rns are true.

nrns :

length of rns

rns :

an array of E2kRestriction

unref :

see e2k_restriction_and()

Returns :

the new restriction

e2k_restriction_orv ()

E2kRestriction *    e2k_restriction_orv                 (E2kRestriction *rn,

Creates a new restriction which is true if any of the passed-in restrictions are true. e2k_restriction_orv() steals the caller's reference on each of the passed-in restrictions.

rn :

an E2kRestriction

... :

a NULL-terminated list of additional E2kRestrictions

Returns :

the new restriction

e2k_restriction_not ()

E2kRestriction *    e2k_restriction_not                 (E2kRestriction *rn,
                                                         gboolean unref);

Creates a new restriction which is true if rn is false.

rn :

an E2kRestriction

unref :

see e2k_restriction_and()

Returns :

the new restriction

enum E2kRestrictionFuzzyLevel

typedef enum {
	E2K_FL_FULLSTRING     = 0x00000,
	E2K_FL_SUBSTRING      = 0x00001,
	E2K_FL_PREFIX         = 0x00002,
	E2K_FL_SUFFIX         = 0x00003, /* Not a MAPI constant */

	E2K_FL_IGNORECASE     = 0x10000,
	E2K_FL_LOOSE          = 0x40000
} E2kRestrictionFuzzyLevel;


#define E2K_FL_MATCH_TYPE(fl) ((fl) & 0x3)

fl :

e2k_restriction_content ()

E2kRestriction *    e2k_restriction_content             (const gchar *propname,
                                                         E2kRestrictionFuzzyLevel fuzzy_level,
                                                         const gchar *value);

Creates a new restriction that is true for objects where the indicated property's value matches value according to fuzzy_level.


For a MAPI restriction, fuzzy_level may not be E2K_FL_SUFFIX, but may be ORed with any of the additional values E2K_FL_IGNORECASE, E2K_FL_IGNORENONSPACE, or E2K_FL_LOOSE.

To compare a property's sort order to another string, use e2k_restriction_prop_string().

propname :

text property to compare against

fuzzy_level :

how to compare

value :

value to compare against

Returns :

the new restriction

enum E2kRestrictionRelop

typedef enum {
	E2K_RELOP_LT = 0,
	E2K_RELOP_LE = 1,
	E2K_RELOP_GT = 2,
	E2K_RELOP_GE = 3,
	E2K_RELOP_EQ = 4,
	E2K_RELOP_NE = 5,
	E2K_RELOP_RE = 6,

} E2kRestrictionRelop;

e2k_restriction_prop_bool ()

E2kRestriction *    e2k_restriction_prop_bool           (const gchar *propname,
                                                         E2kRestrictionRelop relop,
                                                         gboolean value);

Creates a new restriction that is true for objects where the indicated property matches relop and value.

propname :

boolean property to compare against

relop :


value :


Returns :

the new restriction

e2k_restriction_prop_int ()

E2kRestriction *    e2k_restriction_prop_int            (const gchar *propname,
                                                         E2kRestrictionRelop relop,
                                                         gint value);

Creates a new restriction that is true for objects where the indicated property matches value according to relop.

propname :

integer property to compare against

relop :

an E2kRestrictionRelop

value :

number to compare against

Returns :

the new restriction

e2k_restriction_prop_date ()

E2kRestriction *    e2k_restriction_prop_date           (const gchar *propname,
                                                         E2kRestrictionRelop relop,
                                                         const gchar *value);

Creates a new restriction that is true for objects where the indicated property matches value according to relop.

propname :

date/time property to compare against

relop :

an E2kRestrictionRelop

value :

date/time to compare against (as returned by e2k_make_timestamp())

Returns :

the new restriction

e2k_restriction_prop_string ()

E2kRestriction *    e2k_restriction_prop_string         (const gchar *propname,
                                                         E2kRestrictionRelop relop,
                                                         const gchar *value);

Creates a new restriction that is true for objects where the indicated property matches value according to relop.

To do a substring match, use e2k_restriction_content().

propname :

text property to compare against

relop :

an E2kRestrictionRelop

value :

text to compare against

Returns :

the new restriction

e2k_restriction_prop_binary ()

E2kRestriction *    e2k_restriction_prop_binary         (const gchar *propname,
                                                         E2kRestrictionRelop relop,
                                                         gconstpointer data,
                                                         gint len);

Creates a new restriction that is true for objects where the indicated property matches value according to relop.

propname :

binary property to compare against

relop :


data :

data to compare against

len :

length of data

Returns :

the new restriction

e2k_restriction_compare ()

E2kRestriction *    e2k_restriction_compare             (const gchar *propname1,
                                                         E2kRestrictionRelop relop,
                                                         const gchar *propname2);

Creates a new restriction which is true for objects where propname1 and propname2 have the relationship described by relop.

propname1 :

first property

relop :

an E2kRestrictionRelop

propname2 :

second property

Returns :

the new restriction

enum E2kRestrictionBitop

typedef enum {
	E2K_BMR_EQZ = 0,
	E2K_BMR_NEZ = 1
} E2kRestrictionBitop;

e2k_restriction_bitmask ()

E2kRestriction *    e2k_restriction_bitmask             (const gchar *propname,
                                                         E2kRestrictionBitop bitop,
                                                         guint32 mask);

Creates a new restriction that is true for objects where the indicated bits of the value of propname either are or aren't zero, as indicated by bitop.

This cannot be used for WebDAV SEARCH restrictions.

propname :

integer property to compare

bitop :

an E2kRestrictionBitop

mask :

mask of bits to compare against

Returns :

the new restriction

e2k_restriction_size ()

E2kRestriction *    e2k_restriction_size                (const gchar *propname,
                                                         E2kRestrictionRelop relop,
                                                         guint32 size);

Creates a new restriction which is true for objects where the size of the value of propname matches size according to relop.

This cannot be used for WebDAV SEARCH restrictions.

You probably do not want to use this. The standard idiom for checking the size of a message is to use e2k_restriction_prop_int() on its PR_MESSAGE_SIZE property, not to use e2k_restriction_size() on its PR_BODY.

propname :

property to compare

relop :

an E2kRestrictionRelop

size :

the size to compare propname to

Returns :

the new restriction

e2k_restriction_exist ()

E2kRestriction *    e2k_restriction_exist               (const gchar *propname);

Creates a new restriction which is true for objects that have a propname property.

This cannot be used for WebDAV SEARCH restrictions.

propname :

property to check

Returns :

the new restriction

e2k_restriction_sub ()

E2kRestriction *    e2k_restriction_sub                 (const gchar *subtable,
                                                         E2kRestriction *rn,
                                                         gboolean unref);

Creates a new restriction that is true for objects where rn is true when applied to the value of subtable on that object.

subtable is generally PR_MESSAGE_RECIPIENTS (for finding messages whose recipients match a given restriction) or PR_MESSAGE_ATTACHMENTS (for finding messages whose attachments match a given restriction).

This cannot be used for WebDAV SEARCH restrictions.

subtable :

the WebDAV name of a MAPI property of type PT_OBJECT

rn :

the restriction to apply against the values of subtable

unref :

see e2k_restriction_and()

Returns :

the new restriction

e2k_restriction_ref ()

void                e2k_restriction_ref                 (E2kRestriction *rn);

Refs rn.

rn :

a restriction

e2k_restriction_unref ()

void                e2k_restriction_unref               (E2kRestriction *rn);

Unrefs rn. If there are no more references to rn, it is freed.

rn :

a restriction

e2k_restriction_to_sql ()

gchar *             e2k_restriction_to_sql              (E2kRestriction *rn);

Converts rn to an SQL WHERE clause to be used with the WebDAV SEARCH method. Note that certain restriction types cannot be used in SQL, as mentioned in their descriptions above.

If the restriction matches all objects, the return value will be the empty string. Otherwise it will start with "WHERE ".

rn :

a restriction

Returns :

the SQL WHERE clause, which the caller must free, or NULL if rn could not be converted to SQL.