
E2kAction — Server-side rule actions


struct              E2kAction;
enum                E2kActionType;
E2kAction *         e2k_action_move                     (GByteArray *store_entryid,
                                                         GByteArray *folder_source_key);
E2kAction *         e2k_action_copy                     (GByteArray *store_entryid,
                                                         GByteArray *folder_source_key);
enum                E2kActionReplyFlavor;
E2kAction *         e2k_action_reply                    (GByteArray *template_entryid,
                                                         guint8 template_guid[16]);
E2kAction *         e2k_action_oof_reply                (GByteArray *template_entryid,
                                                         guint8 template_guid[16]);
E2kAction *         e2k_action_defer                    (GByteArray *data);
enum                E2kActionBounceCode;
E2kAction *         e2k_action_bounce                   (E2kActionBounceCode bounce_code);
struct              E2kAddrList;
enum                E2kActionForwardFlavor;
E2kAction *         e2k_action_forward                  (E2kAddrList *list);
E2kAction *         e2k_action_delegate                 (E2kAddrList *list);
E2kAction *         e2k_action_tag                      (const gchar *propname,
                                                         E2kPropType type,
                                                         gpointer value);
E2kAction *         e2k_action_delete                   (void);

gboolean            e2k_actions_extract                 (guint8 **data,
                                                         gint *len,
                                                         GPtrArray **actions);
void                e2k_actions_append                  (GByteArray *ba,
                                                         GPtrArray *actions);
void                e2k_actions_free                    (GPtrArray *actions);
void                e2k_action_free                     (E2kAction *act);

E2kAddrList *       e2k_addr_list_new                   (gint nentries);
void                e2k_addr_list_set_local             (E2kAddrList *list,
                                                         gint entry_num,
                                                         const gchar *display_name,
                                                         const gchar *exchange_dn,
                                                         const gchar *email);
void                e2k_addr_list_set_oneoff            (E2kAddrList *list,
                                                         gint entry_num,
                                                         const gchar *display_name,
                                                         const gchar *email);
void                e2k_addr_list_free                  (E2kAddrList *list);


E2kAction represents a single action taken by a server-side rule.


This code is not heavily tested. It is possible that some of the information in this file about how server-side rules work is wrong.


struct E2kAction

struct E2kAction {

enum E2kActionType

typedef enum {
	E2K_ACTION_MOVE         = 1,
	E2K_ACTION_COPY         = 2,
	E2K_ACTION_REPLY        = 3,
	E2K_ACTION_DEFER        = 5,
	E2K_ACTION_BOUNCE       = 6,
	E2K_ACTION_TAG          = 9,
	E2K_ACTION_DELETE       = 10,
} E2kActionType;

e2k_action_move ()

E2kAction *         e2k_action_move                     (GByteArray *store_entryid,
                                                         GByteArray *folder_source_key);

Creates a rule action to move a message into the indicated folder

store_entryid :

The PR_STORE_ENTRYID of the message store

folder_source_key :

The PR_SOURCE_KEY of a folder in that store

Returns :

the new rule action

e2k_action_copy ()

E2kAction *         e2k_action_copy                     (GByteArray *store_entryid,
                                                         GByteArray *folder_source_key);

Creates a rule action to copy a message into the indicated folder

store_entryid :

The PR_STORE_ENTRYID of the message store

folder_source_key :

The PR_SOURCE_KEY of a folder in that store

Returns :

the new rule action

enum E2kActionReplyFlavor

typedef enum {
} E2kActionReplyFlavor;

e2k_action_reply ()

E2kAction *         e2k_action_reply                    (GByteArray *template_entryid,
                                                         guint8 template_guid[16]);

Creates a rule action to reply to a message using the indicated template

template_entryid :

The entryid of the reply template

template_guid :

The GUID of the reply template

Returns :

the new rule action

e2k_action_oof_reply ()

E2kAction *         e2k_action_oof_reply                (GByteArray *template_entryid,
                                                         guint8 template_guid[16]);

Creates a rule action to send an Out-of-Office reply to a message using the indicated template

template_entryid :

The entryid of the reply template

template_guid :

The GUID of the reply template

Returns :

the new rule action

e2k_action_defer ()

E2kAction *         e2k_action_defer                    (GByteArray *data);

Creates a rule action to defer processing on a message

data :

data identifying the deferred action

Returns :

the new rule action

enum E2kActionBounceCode

typedef enum {
} E2kActionBounceCode;

e2k_action_bounce ()

E2kAction *         e2k_action_bounce                   (E2kActionBounceCode bounce_code);

Creates a rule action to bounce a message

bounce_code :

a bounce code

Returns :

the new rule action

struct E2kAddrList

struct E2kAddrList {

enum E2kActionForwardFlavor

typedef enum {
} E2kActionForwardFlavor;

e2k_action_forward ()

E2kAction *         e2k_action_forward                  (E2kAddrList *list);

Creates a rule action to forward a message to the indicated list of recipients

list :

a list of recipients

Returns :

the new rule action

e2k_action_delegate ()

E2kAction *         e2k_action_delegate                 (E2kAddrList *list);

Creates a rule action to delegate a meeting request to the indicated list of recipients

list :

a list of recipients

Returns :

the new rule action

e2k_action_tag ()

E2kAction *         e2k_action_tag                      (const gchar *propname,
                                                         E2kPropType type,
                                                         gpointer value);

Creates a rule action to set the given property to the given value on a message.

propname :

a MAPI property name

type :

the type of propname

value :

the value for propname

Returns :

the new rule action

e2k_action_delete ()

E2kAction *         e2k_action_delete                   (void);

Creates a rule action to permanently delete a message (ie, not just move it to the trash).

Returns :

the new rule action

e2k_actions_extract ()

gboolean            e2k_actions_extract                 (guint8 **data,
                                                         gint *len,
                                                         GPtrArray **actions);

Attempts to extract a list of actions from *data, which contains a binary-encoded list of actions from a server-side rule.

On success, *actions will contain the extracted list, *data will be advanced past the end of the restriction data, and *len will be decremented accordingly.

data :

pointer to data pointer

len :

pointer to data length

actions :

pointer to array to store actions in

Returns :

success or failure

e2k_actions_append ()

void                e2k_actions_append                  (GByteArray *ba,
                                                         GPtrArray *actions);

Appends actions to ba as part of a server-side rule.

ba :

a buffer into which a server-side rule is being constructed

actions :

the actions to append to ba

e2k_actions_free ()

void                e2k_actions_free                    (GPtrArray *actions);

Frees actions and all of its elements

actions :

an array of E2kAction

e2k_action_free ()

void                e2k_action_free                     (E2kAction *act);

Frees act

act :

the action

e2k_addr_list_new ()

E2kAddrList *       e2k_addr_list_new                   (gint nentries);

Creates an address list for a forward or delegate rule, with nentries slots

nentries :

the number of entries

Returns :

the new address list

e2k_addr_list_set_local ()

void                e2k_addr_list_set_local             (E2kAddrList *list,
                                                         gint entry_num,
                                                         const gchar *display_name,
                                                         const gchar *exchange_dn,
                                                         const gchar *email);

Sets entry number entry_num of list to refer to the indicated local Exchange user.

list :

the address list

entry_num :

the list entry to set

display_name :

the UTF-8 display name of the recipient

exchange_dn :

the Exchange 5.5-style DN of the recipient

email :

the SMTP email address of the recipient

e2k_addr_list_set_oneoff ()

void                e2k_addr_list_set_oneoff            (E2kAddrList *list,
                                                         gint entry_num,
                                                         const gchar *display_name,
                                                         const gchar *email);

Sets entry number entry_num of list to refer to the indicated "one-off" SMTP user.

list :

the address list

entry_num :

the list entry to set

display_name :

the UTF-8 display name of the recipient

email :

the SMTP email address of the recipient

e2k_addr_list_free ()

void                e2k_addr_list_free                  (E2kAddrList *list);

Frees list and all its entries.

list :

the address list