Index of deprecated symbols


cogl_begin_gl, function in General API


cogl_check_extension, function in General API (Deprecated)
cogl_clear, function in General API
cogl_clip_ensure, function in Clipping (Deprecated)
cogl_clip_pop, function in Clipping
cogl_clip_push, function in Clipping (Deprecated)
cogl_clip_push_rectangle, function in Clipping
cogl_clip_push_window_rect, function in Clipping (Deprecated)
cogl_clip_push_window_rectangle, function in Clipping
cogl_clip_stack_restore, function in Clipping (Deprecated)
cogl_clip_stack_save, function in Clipping (Deprecated)
cogl_color_set_from_4f, function in Color Type
cogl_color_set_from_4ub, function in Color Type
cogl_create_program, function in Shaders and Programmable Pipeline
cogl_create_shader, function in Shaders and Programmable Pipeline


cogl_disable_fog, function in General API


cogl_end_gl, function in General API


cogl_features_available, function in General API
cogl_frustum, function in General API


cogl_get_backface_culling_enabled, function in General API
cogl_get_bitmasks, function in General API (Deprecated)
cogl_get_depth_test_enabled, function in General API (Deprecated)
cogl_get_features, function in General API
cogl_get_modelview_matrix, function in General API
cogl_get_option_group, function in General API
cogl_get_projection_matrix, function in General API
cogl_get_source, function in General API
cogl_get_viewport, function in General API
cogl_gtype_matrix_get_type, function in GType Integration API


cogl_is_material, function in Materials
cogl_is_program, function in Shaders and Programmable Pipeline
cogl_is_shader, function in Shaders and Programmable Pipeline
cogl_is_vertex_buffer, function in Vertex Buffers
cogl_is_vertex_buffer_indices, function in Vertex Buffers


CoglMaterialLayerCallback, user_function in Materials
cogl_material_copy, function in Materials
cogl_material_foreach_layer, function in Materials
cogl_material_get_ambient, function in Materials
cogl_material_get_color, function in Materials
cogl_material_get_diffuse, function in Materials
cogl_material_get_emission, function in Materials
cogl_material_get_layers, function in Materials (Deprecated)
cogl_material_get_layer_point_sprite_coords_enabled, function in Materials
cogl_material_get_layer_wrap_mode_p, function in Materials
cogl_material_get_layer_wrap_mode_s, function in Materials
cogl_material_get_layer_wrap_mode_t, function in Materials
cogl_material_get_n_layers, function in Materials
cogl_material_get_point_size, function in Materials
cogl_material_get_shininess, function in Materials
cogl_material_get_specular, function in Materials
cogl_material_get_user_program, function in Materials
cogl_material_layer_get_mag_filter, function in Materials
cogl_material_layer_get_min_filter, function in Materials
cogl_material_layer_get_texture, function in Materials
cogl_material_layer_get_type, function in Materials
cogl_material_new, function in Materials
cogl_material_ref, function in Materials (Deprecated)
cogl_material_remove_layer, function in Materials
cogl_material_set_alpha_test_function, function in Materials
cogl_material_set_ambient, function in Materials
cogl_material_set_ambient_and_diffuse, function in Materials
cogl_material_set_blend, function in Materials
cogl_material_set_blend_constant, function in Materials
cogl_material_set_color, function in Materials
cogl_material_set_color4f, function in Materials
cogl_material_set_color4ub, function in Materials
cogl_material_set_diffuse, function in Materials
cogl_material_set_emission, function in Materials
cogl_material_set_layer, function in Materials
cogl_material_set_layer_combine, function in Materials
cogl_material_set_layer_combine_constant, function in Materials
cogl_material_set_layer_filters, function in Materials
cogl_material_set_layer_matrix, function in Materials
cogl_material_set_layer_point_sprite_coords_enabled, function in Materials
cogl_material_set_layer_wrap_mode, function in Materials
cogl_material_set_layer_wrap_mode_p, function in Materials
cogl_material_set_layer_wrap_mode_s, function in Materials
cogl_material_set_layer_wrap_mode_t, function in Materials
cogl_material_set_point_size, function in Materials
cogl_material_set_shininess, function in Materials
cogl_material_set_specular, function in Materials
cogl_material_set_user_program, function in Materials
cogl_material_unref, function in Materials (Deprecated)
cogl_matrix_ortho, function in Matrices


cogl_offscreen_new_to_texture, function in Offscreen Buffers
cogl_offscreen_ref, function in Offscreen Buffers (Deprecated)
cogl_offscreen_unref, function in Offscreen Buffers (Deprecated)
cogl_ortho, function in General API


cogl_perspective, function in General API
cogl_pop_draw_buffer, function in Offscreen Buffers
cogl_pop_framebuffer, function in Offscreen Buffers
cogl_pop_matrix, function in General API
cogl_pop_source, function in General API
cogl_program_attach_shader, function in Shaders and Programmable Pipeline
cogl_program_get_uniform_location, function in Shaders and Programmable Pipeline
cogl_program_link, function in Shaders and Programmable Pipeline
cogl_program_ref, function in Shaders and Programmable Pipeline (Deprecated)
cogl_program_set_uniform_1f, function in Shaders and Programmable Pipeline
cogl_program_set_uniform_1i, function in Shaders and Programmable Pipeline
cogl_program_set_uniform_float, function in Shaders and Programmable Pipeline
cogl_program_set_uniform_int, function in Shaders and Programmable Pipeline
cogl_program_set_uniform_matrix, function in Shaders and Programmable Pipeline
cogl_program_uniform_1f, function in Shaders and Programmable Pipeline (Deprecated)
cogl_program_uniform_1i, function in Shaders and Programmable Pipeline (Deprecated)
cogl_program_uniform_float, function in Shaders and Programmable Pipeline (Deprecated)
cogl_program_uniform_int, function in Shaders and Programmable Pipeline (Deprecated)
cogl_program_uniform_matrix, function in Shaders and Programmable Pipeline (Deprecated)
cogl_program_unref, function in Shaders and Programmable Pipeline (Deprecated)
cogl_program_use, function in Shaders and Programmable Pipeline (Deprecated)
cogl_push_draw_buffer, function in Offscreen Buffers
cogl_push_framebuffer, function in Offscreen Buffers
cogl_push_matrix, function in General API
cogl_push_source, function in General API


cogl_read_pixels, function in General API
cogl_rotate, function in General API


cogl_scale, function in General API
cogl_set_backface_culling_enabled, function in General API
cogl_set_depth_test_enabled, function in General API (Deprecated)
cogl_set_draw_buffer, function in Offscreen Buffers
cogl_set_fog, function in General API
cogl_set_framebuffer, function in Offscreen Buffers
cogl_set_modelview_matrix, function in General API
cogl_set_projection_matrix, function in General API
cogl_set_source, function in General API
cogl_set_source_color, function in General API
cogl_set_source_color4f, function in General API
cogl_set_source_color4ub, function in General API
cogl_set_source_texture, function in General API
cogl_set_viewport, function in General API
cogl_shader_compile, function in Shaders and Programmable Pipeline
cogl_shader_get_info_log, function in Shaders and Programmable Pipeline
cogl_shader_get_type, function in Shaders and Programmable Pipeline
cogl_shader_is_compiled, function in Shaders and Programmable Pipeline
cogl_shader_ref, function in Shaders and Programmable Pipeline (Deprecated)
cogl_shader_source, function in Shaders and Programmable Pipeline
cogl_shader_unref, function in Shaders and Programmable Pipeline (Deprecated)


cogl_texture_get_format, function in Textures
cogl_texture_get_rowstride, function in Textures
cogl_texture_new_from_bitmap, function in Textures
cogl_texture_new_from_data, function in Textures
cogl_texture_new_from_file, function in Textures
cogl_texture_new_from_foreign, function in Textures
cogl_texture_new_from_sub_texture, function in Textures
cogl_texture_new_with_size, function in Textures
cogl_texture_ref, function in Textures (Deprecated)
cogl_texture_unref, function in Textures (Deprecated)
cogl_transform, function in General API
cogl_translate, function in General API


cogl_vertex_buffer_add, function in Vertex Buffers
cogl_vertex_buffer_delete, function in Vertex Buffers
cogl_vertex_buffer_disable, function in Vertex Buffers
cogl_vertex_buffer_draw, function in Vertex Buffers
cogl_vertex_buffer_draw_elements, function in Vertex Buffers
cogl_vertex_buffer_enable, function in Vertex Buffers
cogl_vertex_buffer_get_n_vertices, function in Vertex Buffers
cogl_vertex_buffer_indices_get_for_quads, function in Vertex Buffers
cogl_vertex_buffer_indices_new, function in Vertex Buffers
cogl_vertex_buffer_new, function in Vertex Buffers
cogl_vertex_buffer_ref, function in Vertex Buffers (Deprecated)
cogl_vertex_buffer_submit, function in Vertex Buffers
cogl_vertex_buffer_unref, function in Vertex Buffers (Deprecated)
cogl_viewport, function in General API (Deprecated)