5. Creating complex animations with ClutterAnimator

5.1. Problem

You want to create a complex animation involving one or more actors. The animation will consist of a sequence of transitions over multiple properties on each actor.

An example might be moving several actors between points, with different types of movement for each part of the path, while transforming each actor (e.g. scaling or rotating it).

5.2. Solution

Use a ClutterAnimator to define the animation.

Because there are many complex animations you could implement, the example below does this:

Although this uses a single actor, the animation is complex enough to make it difficult to implement with implicit animations or ClutterState (see the Discussion section for reasons why).

Here is a JSON definition of the stage, actors, and the ClutterAnimator for this animation:

Example 5.2. JSON definition of a complex animation using ClutterAnimator

    "type" : "ClutterStage",
    "id" : "stage",
    "width" : 400,
    "height" : 400,
    "color" : "#333355ff",

    "signals" : [
      { "name" : "destroy", "handler" : "clutter_main_quit" },
      { "name" : "key-press-event", "handler" : "foo_key_pressed_cb" }

    "children" : [
        "type" : "ClutterRectangle",
        "id" : "rectangle",
        "color" : "red",
        "width" : 100,
        "height" : 100,
        "x" : 0,
        "y" : 0,
        "scale-gravity" : "center"

    "type" : "ClutterAnimator",
    "id" : "animator",
    "duration" : 3000,

    "properties" : [
        "object" : "rectangle",
        "name" : "x",
        "ease-in" : true,
        "keys" : [
          [ 0.0, "linear", 0.0 ],
          [ 0.1, "easeInCubic", 150.0 ],
          [ 0.8, "linear", 150.0 ],
          [ 1.0, "easeInCubic", 0.0 ]
        "object" : "rectangle",
        "name" : "y",
        "ease-in" : true,
        "keys" : [
          [ 0.0, "linear", 0.0 ],
          [ 0.1, "easeInCubic", 150.0 ],
          [ 0.8, "linear", 150.0 ],
          [ 1.0, "easeInCubic", 300.0 ]
        "object" : "rectangle",
        "name" : "scale-x",
        "ease-in" : true,
        "keys" : [
          [ 0.1, "linear", 1.0 ],
          [ 0.3, "easeOutBounce", 2.0 ],
          [ 0.8, "linear", 2.0 ],
          [ 1.0, "linear", 1.0 ]
        "object" : "rectangle",
        "name" : "scale-y",
        "ease-in" : true,
        "keys" : [
          [ 0.1, "linear", 1.0 ],
          [ 0.3, "easeOutBounce", 2.0 ],
          [ 0.8, "linear", 2.0 ],
          [ 1.0, "linear", 1.0 ]


The core to understanding this example is understanding how to define keys for a ClutterAnimator. As this is an involved topic, further explanation is given in the Discussion section.

The program for loading this JSON definition from a file is as follows:

Example 5.3. Simple program for loading a JSON script; any key press starts the animation

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <clutter/clutter.h>

#define UI_FILE "animations-complex.json"

 * start the animation when a key is pressed;
 * see the signals recipe in the Script chapter for more details
foo_key_pressed_cb (ClutterActor *actor,
                    ClutterEvent *event,
                    gpointer      user_data)
  ClutterScript *script = CLUTTER_SCRIPT (user_data);

  ClutterAnimator *animator;
  clutter_script_get_objects (script,
                              "animator", &animator,

  if (clutter_timeline_is_playing (clutter_animator_get_timeline (animator)))
    return FALSE;

  clutter_animator_start (animator);

  return TRUE;

main (int argc, char *argv[])
  gchar *filename = UI_FILE;

  ClutterScript *script;
  ClutterActor *stage;

  GError *error = NULL;

  if (argc > 1)
    filename = argv[1];

  if (clutter_init (&argc, &argv) != CLUTTER_INIT_SUCCESS)
    return 1;

  script = clutter_script_new ();
  clutter_script_load_from_file (script, filename, &error);

  if (error != NULL)
     g_critical ("Error loading ClutterScript file %s\n%s", filename, error->message);
     g_error_free (error);
     exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

  /* connect signal handlers as defined in the script */
  clutter_script_connect_signals (script, script);

  clutter_script_get_objects (script,
                              "stage", &stage,

  clutter_actor_show (stage);

  clutter_main ();

  g_object_unref (script);

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;


It is also possible to use the ClutterAnimator C API to define keys for an animation, but this will typically be much more verbose than the JSON equivalent.

One other advantage of JSON is that it is much simpler to tweak and test an animation, as you don't have to recompile the application each time you edit it (you just load the new JSON file).

5.3. Discussion

You can think of ClutterAnimator as a way to give directions to actors. For example, you could give a real (human) actor a direction like "move downstage; when you get there, stop and rotate 90 degrees to your right". In code, this might equate to a transition in the x and y properties of the actor, followed by a rotation in one axis.


ClutterAnimator can give "directions" to any type of GObject, but we concentrate on animating ClutterActors in this section.

Each direction like this has an implicit timeline, spanning the length of time the direction should take to fulfil (you set the length of the timeline through the duration property of the ClutterAnimator). But within that timeline, you may change the proportion of time spent on each action: "move downstage quickly, then slowly rotate 90 degrees to your right". The direction is the same, but we've specified how much of the timeline should be devoted to each action.

In ClutterAnimator, this concept is captured by key frames. A key frame represents a point somewhere along the timeline, with one or more target property values for one or more actors. A ClutterAnimator manages the transitions between property values for each object, ensuring that the target values are reached when the associated key frame is reached.

To change the amount of time a transition should take, you change the percentage of the timeline between key frames. Using our real stage directions as an example, you might define the key frames like this:

  • 0.2 (after 20% of the timeline): arrive downstage

  • 1.0 (by the end of the timeline): achieve a 90 degree rotation to the right

See this section for more details about keys and key frames.

Finally, a direction might be further refined with a description of the kind of movement to use: rather than saying "move downstage quickly, then slowly rotate 90 degrees to your right" a director could say: "start off slowly, but build up to a run; run downstage quickly; then stop and start rotating slowly to your right, gradually speeding up, turn a little more, then slow down gradually; you should end up rotated 90 degrees to your right" (this granularity of description is closer to what you might see in dance notation like Laban; though of course you can't animate human opacity, scale, dimensions etc...).

ClutterAnimator gives you this level of granularity. Each transition to a property value between key frames can have a separate easing mode: for example, starting off slowly and building to a constant speed equates to an "ease in" mode; starting slowly, speeding up, maintaining a constant speed, then gradually slowing down equates to "ease in and ease out".

To summarise: creating a complex animation means deciding:

  • Which properties need to change on which actors?

  • What target value should each property transition to?

  • How quickly (by which key frame) should the property reach the target value?

  • What "shape" (easing mode) should the change to the target value follow?

5.3.1. Understanding keys and key frames

A ClutterAnimator maintains a list of properties objects, each being a unique pair of object (an object to be animated) + name (name of the property to be animated on that object).

Each properties object in turn has a list of keys, with each key having three elements:

  • The key frame, expressed as a fraction (between 0.0 and 1.0) of the duration of the animation. At this point, the named property should reach a target value.

  • The easing mode to use to transition the property to that value.

  • The target value the property should transition to.

For example:

  "object" : "rectangle",
  "name" : "x",
  "ease-in" : true,
  "keys" : [
    [ 0.0, "linear", 0.0 ],
    [ 0.1, "easeInCubic", 150.0 ],
    [ 0.8, "linear", 150.0 ],
    [ 1.0, "easeInCubic", 0.0 ]

defines a sequence of transitions for the x property (position on the x axis) of the rectangle object, as follows:

  1. [ 0.0, "linear", 0.0 ]: At the start of the animation, x should be 0.0; linear is used as the easing mode, as there is no transition here.

  2. [ 0.1, "easeInCubic", 150.0 ]: By 10% of the way through the animation, x should reach a value of 150.0. This moves the rectangle horizontally across the stage.

    The easeInCubic easing mode means that the transition to the new value starts slow and speeds up. This makes the movement look more "natural".

  3. [ 0.8, "linear", 150.0 ]: From 10% of the way through the animation to 80% of the way through, the x value remains at 150.0. This makes the rectangle stay still on the x axis throughout this period.

    It's important to specify interim key frames if in a later key frame you intend to change the value again (as is done for the x value here). Otherwise you can get premature transitions to a value over longer periods than you intended. By specifying the interim key frames where the value remains constant, you ensure that it doesn't change before you want it to.

  4. [ 1.0, "easeInCubic", 0.0 ]: From 80% of the way through the animation to the end, the x value should transition back to 0.0. This moves the actor back to its starting position on the x axis. Again, an easeInCubic easing mode is used to make the transition appear more natural.

There are two more properties you can set for each object/property pair:

  1. Set ease-in to true to animate to the target value at the first key frame. If ease-in is false, the animation will "jump" to the target value instead (if the target value is different from the current value).

  2. Set interpolation to either "linear" (the default) or "cubic". This sets how ClutterAnimator transitions between key frames; in effect, it further modulates any easing modes set on individual keys: if set to "cubic", you get a slightly more natural and gentle transition between key frames than you do if set to "linear".

5.3.2. Why ClutterAnimator?

Why use ClutterAnimator and not the other Clutter animation approaches for complex animations?

  • Implicit animations can animate properties on a single actor; however, you can only specify a single transition for each property. Also, it's not possible to describe complex movement along a path in a single implicit animation: you would have to chain several animations together to do that.

    To animate multiple actors, you'd also need multiple implicit animations, one for each actor. These animations would also need to be synchronized (for example, by sharing a single timeline).

    So it would be possible, but more difficult than an implementation using ClutterAnimator.

  • ClutterState can be used for complex animations: each state can describe transitions for multiple actors and multiple properties. However, to make continuous movement (as in the example), you would need to write a state for each movement between a pair of points; then add a callback so that when each state is reached, the animation moves onto the next state. This adds some code (a handler for the completed signal emitted by the ClutterState to set the next state). This could work OK for a few states, but doesn't scale as well as ClutterAnimator if you have many transitions.


    ClutterState and ClutterAnimator are not mutually exclusive. If you generally need to transition between several known states (e.g. hiding/revealing menus which stay in the same place, moving between two UI layouts), but want to create a complex animation between states, you can use ClutterAnimators to define the transitions: see the documentation for clutter_state_set_animator() for details.

ClutterAnimator is a good fit for complex animations, and probably the best fit for the most complex: it is the simplest way to encode a sequence of transitions for a list of object/property pairs which can be treated as a single animation. This is largely because ClutterAnimator is effectively managing the chaining together of the individual transitions into a whole.

One other feature of ClutterAnimator which isn't demonstrated here is how it enables transitions to overlap. For example, let's say you wanted an actor to move along a complex path (e.g. described by five pairs of x,y coordinates); but during that movement, you wanted the actor to continuously transition to a scale of 4.0 on both the x and y axes.

To achieve this with ClutterState, you would need to set up five transitions (one to move to each pair of x,y coordinates); plus a callback to chain the state transitions together; and within each transition, you'd have to figure out a percentage of the scaling to apply, so that the actor was at a scale of 4.0 on reaching the final state.

With ClutterAnimator, you can treat the movement between the coordinates and the scaling separately within the same animation, but overlap their key frames. This makes coding overlapping animations of different properties much more straightforward. See this JSON definition for an example of how to do this.

5.4. Full example

Example 5.4. Running multiple transition sequences with different key frames in parallel using ClutterAnimator


This JSON file can be loaded with the same code as used for this example, by passing the JSON file name on the command line:

            $ ./animations-complex animations-complex-overlapping.json
    "type" : "ClutterStage",
    "id" : "stage",
    "width" : 550,
    "height" : 350,
    "color" : "#333355ff",

    "signals" : [
      { "name" : "destroy", "handler" : "clutter_main_quit" },
      { "name" : "key-press-event", "handler" : "foo_key_pressed_cb" }

    "children" : [
        "type" : "ClutterRectangle",
        "id" : "rectangle",
        "color" : "red",
        "width" : 50,
        "height" : 50,
        "x" : 0,
        "y" : 0,
        "scale-gravity" : "center"

    "type" : "ClutterAnimator",
    "id" : "animator",
    "duration" : 4000,

    "properties" : [
        "object" : "rectangle",
        "name" : "x",
        "ease-in" : true,
        "keys" : [
          [ 0.0, "linear", 0.0 ],
          [ 0.1, "easeInCubic", 50.0 ],
          [ 0.2, "easeInCubic", 200.0 ],
          [ 0.4, "easeInCubic", 75.0 ],
          [ 0.5, "easeOutCubic", 300.0 ],
          [ 1.0, "easeInCubic", 400.0 ]
        "object" : "rectangle",
        "name" : "y",
        "ease-in" : true,
        "keys" : [
          [ 0.0, "linear", 0.0 ],
          [ 0.1, "easeInCubic", 50.0 ],
          [ 0.2, "easeInCubic", 200.0 ],
          [ 0.4, "easeInCubic", 75.0 ],
          [ 0.5, "easeOutCubic", 150.0 ],
          [ 1.0, "easeInCubic", 200.0 ]
        "object" : "rectangle",
        "name" : "scale-x",
        "ease-in" : true,
        "keys" : [
          [ 0.0, "linear", 1.0 ],
          [ 1.0, "linear", 4.0 ]
        "object" : "rectangle",
        "name" : "scale-y",
        "ease-in" : true,
        "keys" : [
          [ 0.0, "linear", 1.0 ],
          [ 1.0, "linear", 4.0 ]