Autotools Configure Dialog

The Configure dialog allows you to set the following options and configure the project.

Regenerate Project

If checked, the project will be completely regenerated, else only the configure step is done. Anjuta automatically checks this check box when needed so you can leave it in its current state.


You can have several configurations having their own options and build directory, this text box allows to name them. Typically you have already defined a Default configuration, a Debug configuration making programs easier to debug (keeping intermediate variables and code ordering) and an Optimized configuration generating faster programs but increasing build time. You can define additional custom configurations.

Build Directory

Select here the build directory. It can be the project directory or a subdirectory. This is particularly useful when switching between different configurations to avoid rebuilding the whole project.

With autotools, you cannot have one configuration using a different directory if you already have one configuration using the project directory. You need to remove it first.

Some autotools project cannot be built outside the project directory. You can still use different configurations but they all have to use the project directory and everything will be recompiled on each change of the configuration.

Configure Options

This text box list all command line arguments used by the configure step. All arguments are separated by spaces and must be quoted if they contains a space. Each configuration fills this text box with default values that you can modify.

Each autotools project supports a common list of arguments but can have specify arguments. You can have a list of all accepted arguments by running configure --help on the command line. You need to have configured your project at least one time to have the configure script.