Clean targets

It can be useful to delete all files created by the build process. For example, if all dependencies are not taken into account and a modified file does not trigger a recompiling as it should, deleting all files will fix this. There are several ways to do this

  1. From the main menu, select Build ▸ Clean to delete all files built in the same directory as the current edited file.

  1. From the main menu, select Build ▸ Clean Project to delete all project built files,

  1. From the file manager pane, select a file or a directory.

  2. Click on the right mouse button to make the file manager context menu appears and select Build ▸ Clean to delete all files built in the directory currently selected or the parent directory of the currently selected file.

  1. From the project manager pane, select a source file or a target.

  2. Click on the right mouse button to make the project manager context menu appears and select Build ▸ Clean to delete all built files in the directory containing the currently selected file or target.